Avoid planes for a chilled holiday in the slow lane

What with the strikes, the hassle, the eco-guilt, flying just isn’t much fun any more. So why not avoid the airport and go slow, says Jeremy Lazell

I know it's quick, I know Ryanair will get you to Rome for less than the price of a cappuccino, but flying's not exactly the grand tour, is it? Where's the adventure? Where's the romance? When did travel go from fun to fag?

The good news is, it never did - we just got tipsy on subsidised aviation fuel and forgot what travel is all about. It's about the journey, not the arrival. Yes, it's a cliché, but it's true. The journey's the thing. I don't know who said that, but they sure as hell weren't talking about Stansted to Rome Ciampino.

So, where were they talking about? Well, everywhere: from Kent to Kathmandu, Skye to the Sahara, there are journeys long and languorous enough