Backpacker Charlie Williams drowned after jumping off  waterfall in Queensland

Friends leapt in moments after Charlie Williams
Friends leapt in moments after Charlie Williams

A British backpacker who had jumped off a waterfall in Australia drowned after his friends piled into the water on top of him, a coroner has ruled.

Charlie Williams, from Buckinghamshire, was backpacking to pursue his dream of becoming a musician and DJ, an inquest in Beaconsfield was told.

The 24-year-old rugby player had been at Behana Gorge swimming hole, south of Cairns in Queensland, on April 10 with friends he had met at a nearby hostel. He jumped in at about 5pm.

Nerida Wilson, the northern coroner for Queensland, said in a report: “The others followed Charlie a split second behind him and landed on top of him. When the others came to the surface, they noticed that Charlie was not there.”

She added: