Birthday present for the Queen in new poll

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh during the state opening of parliament last year
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh during the state opening of parliament last year

Support for the monarchy is higher than it was two decades ago with calls for the Queen to abdicate at a record low, a poll shows.

As the Queen prepares to celebrate her 90th birthday next week, the Ipsos MORI survey reveals that 75 per cent of people think the monarchy has an important role to play in Britain’s future, up from 66 per cent at the turn of the 21st century.

Only 17 per cent of people think Britain should become a republic, down from a peak of 22 per cent in 2005.

The Queen will mark her birthday in Windsor with a series of events, walkabouts and the lighting of a beacon. President Obama is expected to visit Windsor Castle for lunch.
