Body matters

Baby balm

If, like Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow, you want a natural alternative to Vaseline, here it is. Green Baby’s Petroleum Free Jelly (£5.49; 0870 240 6894) is made of beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter. Perfect for your baby’s nappy rash or your own chapped lips. Or stock up on Green People’s Organic Babies Baby Wash (£5.69; 0870 240 1444) —- it is what celebrity babies born at London’s exclusive Portland Hospital use for their first bath.


Better Posture

Nobody is suggesting that you replace your Myla bra with this, but think how much better skimpy lingerie would look if your shoulders weren’t hunched. In our office, I must be the worst culprit for craning over my computer screen,