Brighton Cat Killer: Steve Bouquet found guilty of stabbings

Steve Bouquet, 54, stabbed at least 16 pet cats and possibly many more
Steve Bouquet, 54, stabbed at least 16 pet cats and possibly many more

A former security guard known as the Brighton Cat Killer has been found guilty of an eight-month campaign of attacks, after a trial during which the judge remarked that the mere thought of having a knife “plunged into their beloved pet” must have traumatised the owners.

Steve Bouquet, 54, stabbed at least 16 pet cats and possibly many more. He killed nine; seven that he left for dead survived. He was tried in his absence after failing to appear at court.

Police detained him in Brighton on Monday night after a tip-off from a member of the public who saw him drinking and behaving oddly in a park. This development was kept secret from the jury, which took three hours to find him guilty. He