Building site death: boy died after falling down manhole

Shea Ryan, 10, was able to enter the site through an insecure fence
Shea Ryan, 10, was able to enter the site through an insecure fence

A ten-year-old boy fell to his death after slipping from a ladder in a manhole drain, a court was told.

Shea Ryan was able to enter a building site through an insecure fence before sitting beside the open cover situated 200ft from a play park close to his home in Drumchapel, Glasgow.

He told other children that he “wanted to go down”.

Saud Ul-Hassan, for the prosecution, told Glasgow sheriff court: “Shea began to climb down the ladder where he slipped and fell. From the position of the ladder, he fell to the water below.”

The distance between the ladder and the bottom of the manhole was 20ft.

The other children raised the alarm and Shea’s stepfather, Graham Patterson, entered the manhole.

Police attended and