Call a truce in this endless war of outrage

If offence is taken too eagerly and often, it loses its force. Sometimes the best response is a disapproving shrug

The train of thought began with a frivolous café in east London. In Brick Lane, Gary and Alan Keery opened a cereal caff, lined with 120 garish boxes of novelty sugar-rush from all over the world, with “30 varieties of milk and 20 different toppings” and decor from the 1980s and 90s (clue to the target generation: hangovers, stoned munchies, broken-heart nostalgia for the Coco Pops of childhood).

Enter a Channel 4 News reporter. Stalked by his camera he eats a £3.20 bowl of imported American cereal with strawberry milk, then barracks the owner about the price (he hadn’t paid). “What does it mean for people who live locally? Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest areas in London . . .” etc.

Mr Keery