Carmakers in drive to push comfort and safety of 4x4s

They infuriate the green lobby and rile politicians, but SUV sales are set to keep rising. By Barbara McCarthy

More than a third of all SUVs sold in the republic last year were registered in Dublin. Of more than 9,500 4x4s sold in 2004, 3,400 were registered in the capital. Total car sales amounted to 154,141. City dwellers now represent a key market. So how do those charged with selling SUVs market these vehicles to an urban public concerned about consumption and pedestrian safety? “SUVs attract people who do a desk job during the week and like to take part in leisure activities at the weekends,” said Anthony Neville of OHM Group, which imports the Jeep brand into Ireland. “If we were to launch a campaign to counter the negative comments, it would mean we recognise that there is a problem with safety and