Coronavirus in Scotland: No lockdown bias against Aberdeen, insists Nicola Sturgeon

Aberdeen council’s co-leader had claimed the city was being punished for having a Unionist administration
Aberdeen council’s co-leader had claimed the city was being punished for having a Unionist administration

Nicola Sturgeon dismissed as “ridiculous” claims that Glasgow was given preferential treatment to Aberdeen on restrictions for political reasons.

She was responding to comments from Douglas Lumsden, the co-leader of Aberdeen council, who wrote on Twitter that Glasgow escaped a full lockdown as it was a “yes” city in the 2014 independence referendum.

The first minister was asked about his suggestion during the Scottish government’s coronavirus briefing yesterday.

Ms Sturgeon said: “If there’s people who think I’m taking these decisions from some crazy, party political point of view, then there’s probably nothing I can do to convince them.”

She said that Mr Lumsden had been part of the initial decisions around the Aberdeen lockdown, adding: “I’m not going to say any more about that