Dinner at five is recipe for losing weight

Eating later burns calories at slower rate, study suggests
Participants in the study ate at 8am, noon and 5pm with blood samples and biopsies of body fat being examined
Participants in the study ate at 8am, noon and 5pm with blood samples and biopsies of body fat being examined

Eating meals earlier in the day can stave off hunger and help people lose weight, a study suggests.

The odds of people feeling hungry during the day were halved when people ate their final meal at 5pm, compared with when they had it at 9pm.

Eating earlier was also linked to changes in the activity levels of certain genes, suggesting that the body was less likely to store fat.

It also altered the balance of two hormones that boost and suppress appetite, which should help people feel satisfied for longer.

“We wanted to test the mechanisms that may explain why late eating increases obesity risk,” said Dr Frank Scheer of Harvard Medical School, who was the senior author of the study.

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