DPP Keir Starmer orders review of phone tapping investigation files

Prosecutors began an urgent review yesterday of case files relating to the tapping of telephones belonging to prominent politicians, sportsmen and celebrities.

Keir Starmer, QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, ordered a renewed examination of the successful case against a News of the World journalist and a private investigator. Clive Goodman, the newspaper’s former royal editor, and Glen Mulcaire, the investigator, were jailed in January 2007 for intercepting the voicemail messages of Clarence House aides.

The Guardian newspaper has claimed that thousands of people, including MPs, footballers, actors, models and other journalists, had their phone messages illegally hacked into.

It was further alleged that many of Goodman and Mulcaire’s “targets”, including the former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, were not told by police about the