Editor’s letter: Lorraine Candy on a good night’s sleep

How is something so simple actually the height of luxury?

The Sunday Times
Lorraine Candy, Style’s editor-in-chief
Lorraine Candy, Style’s editor-in-chief

Every year we send our star writers and columnists off to review a spa for us, encouraging them to find their personal nirvana in a way that best suits them. For this special spa issue we have sent people to a hammam, a desert island, a beach fitness club and a summer camp for grown-ups. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!

I am always struck by the fact our intrepid spa enthusiasts have one thing in common when they return: they all report finally getting a blissful night’s sleep. Funny, isn’t it, that a good night’s sleep is considered something special, a treat, the holy grail of relaxation, when in fact it should be something that happens every