Eva Petulengro obituary, fortune teller to the stars

Brighton-based clairvoyant whose celebrity clients included Joan Collins, Michael Caine and the Beatles
Petulengro, left, applies her skills to the palm of the actress Joan Collins
Petulengro, left, applies her skills to the palm of the actress Joan Collins

Eva Petulengro spent more than half a century telling fortunes on Brighton seafront and became known as the clairvoyant to the stars. Among those who consulted her psychic powers were at least two Beatles, titans of stage and screen, and a member of the royal family.

Some, such as Bob Monkhouse and Michael Crawford, visited her in her booth opposite the West Pier, a converted garden hut with a painted sign that read “Eva Petulengro, Palmist and Clairvoyant” and furnished inside with a card table and two chairs.

With others she was invited backstage or flown to Hollywood to predict the future.

When she met the Beatles before a concert at the Brighton Hippodrome in 1964, she was photographed reading George Harrison’s palm. She refused