Evil let loose after Google breaches email privacy

The launch of a networking site has backfired badly

LAST TUESDAY Eva Hibnick, a Harvard law student, opened her Gmail account and saw an offer for Buzz, a new service from Gmail's owner, Google.

She wasn't interested. "I just clicked 'No, go to my inbox'," she said. Within hours she and millions of others realised that sometimes no means yes.

Now Hibnick is taking Google to court, and the search giant is left fighting a rearguard action in the latest skirmish over privacy on the internet.

Hibnick, 24, is the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit filed against Google over the launch of Buzz, a social networking service that lets people bring their online connections together to share status updates, videos and photos. With 146m users, the sheer size of Gmail instantly catapulted Buzz