
Fallout review — gamers had this gem to themselves, but now it’s TV for all

Our critic hails a post-apocalyptic drama based on a computer game, the end of Curb Your Enthusiasm and the return of Mary Beard with her golden trainers

The Times

Prime Video

The Regime
Sky Atlantic

Meet the Roman Emperor

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Sky Comedy

The first computer game with which I was ever truly, hopelessly obsessed was the space epic Elite. This would have been in the mid-1980s, and on my Acorn Electron with its tape deck and 32k of RAM. So complex and rich was the world of Elite — the spaceships, the diverse planets, the pirates, the multiple galaxies — that the game box included an actual tie-in novella, just to get you in the mood. I devoured Elite. I lived it like a second life. And yet the game itself was merely a series of black-and-white lines and shapes, assisted by the odd rasping beep. It was