
Farcical interview with Rangers’ Alfredo Morelos shows why fans don’t trust media

The Times

The word “farce” doesn’t come anywhere close to describing the ludicrous, cooked-up story concerning Alfredo Morelos’s supposed comments to Sky TV this week. Little wonder that, with events like these, the football public have grown jaundiced and increasingly distrusting of our media.

Celtic are quite rightly taking Sky to Ofcom in complaint, given the damaging nature of the way comments were put into Morelos’s mouth, none of which he had said.

If Rangers have any self-respect they, too, will feel embarrassed by the incident. As for Sky themselves, this looks an utter botch, with incompetence written all over it.

Rangers should also be embarrassed over Sky’s interview with Morelos
Rangers should also be embarrassed over Sky’s interview with Morelos

It is worth recapping this episode briefly. Everyone has wanted to speak to Morelos, though, as ever, the mystery is exactly why as he patently has