Final word: Atchoo! Men are the weaker sex

Man flu is genuine — men are indeed more prone to coughs and sneezes because women have a stronger immune system

When women list the crimes of men, the charge sheet is a long one. Males supposedly hog all the top jobs. They are inconsiderate in the finer points of lavatory seat etiquette. They would rather watch, say, Crewe v Rotherham in League Two than a repeat of Sex and the City. But perhaps most wounding of all is the question of man flu: the allegation that men collapse at the first hint of a sniffle.

Now science has discovered that man flu is genuine. Men are indeed more prone to coughs and sneezes because women have a stronger immune system. “It makes sense from a biological point of view because women are more likely to ensure the survival of the species,” says Professor John Upham