Flood-prone houses may have to be sacrificed, says Environment Agency

Some communites, such as Skipsea in the East Riding of Yorkshire, may have to consider relocating to a place less prone to flooding, says Emma Howard Boyd
Some communites, such as Skipsea in the East Riding of Yorkshire, may have to consider relocating to a place less prone to flooding, says Emma Howard Boyd

Homes in flood zones and on eroding coasts may have to be sacrificed because it could become too expensive to protect them from increased storms and rising seas caused by climate change, the head of the Environment Agency has warned.

Emma Howard Boyd said some communities would need to consider relocating to a “better place” less vulnerable to flooding.

She said: “We’re going to have to keep assessing whether we can, as a whole, as a country, afford to protect different parts of the landscape.”

She said the 200 deaths in last July’s floods in Germany showed the urgent need for people to inform themselves about the dangers and take action.

A survey in February by the agency found that nearly two thirds of people