Forced labour and death flow along China’s pipelines in Burma

China is contravening a string of human rights violations in its pipeline-building project in Burma, activists have warned

China is building oil and gas pipelines across Burma in a secretive project that has set off fierce battles against rebel groups and led to a string of human rights violations, according to Burmese activists.

The first documentary evidence about the scheme emerged from Burma last week, painting a picture of misery, exploitation and abuse for the ordinary Burmese in its path.

Some 33 army battalions are deployed along the route of the two pipelines, which will carry Burmese gas and Middle Eastern oil from an Indian Ocean port to the booming cities of southwest China by 2013.

They are protecting thousands of Chinese workers, driving Burmese farmers off land wanted for the project and fighting off guerrillas from rebellious minorities.

Ko Muang Wong, 26,