Former BP boss makes his return to disaster zone

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill created an environmental disaster
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill created an environmental disaster

The executive in charge of BP’s drilling at the time of the Deepwater Horizon disaster has struck a $1.2 billion deal to return to the Gulf of Mexico.

Andy Inglis, 59, who left his role as BP’s exploration and production chief by mutual agreement after the oil spill in 2010, is chief executive of Kosmos Energy, an independent explorer based in Dallas.

Kosmos, which took a secondary listing in London last year, said yesterday that it had agreed to buy Deep Gulf Energy, which operates fields in the Gulf of Mexico.

Andy Inglis was in charge of BP’s drilling projects at the time
Andy Inglis was in charge of BP’s drilling projects at the time

The deal marks a significant expansion for Kosmos, which has been focused on Africa, and should enable it to start paying a dividend from next year. It also will allow Mr Inglis to regain