‘Fraud checks make it too hard to move your money’

We want banks to stop criminals, but why are they blocking so many genuine payments
Adam Taylor had the same 15-minute security call with HSBC four times
Adam Taylor had the same 15-minute security call with HSBC four times

Adam Taylor was called for four days in a row by HSBC’s fraud team when he tried to transfer his aunt’s savings to a better-paying account. The 35-year-old was attempting to move £85,000 to a new account with Zopa.

Challenger banks have accused high street giants of delaying payments and scaring customers with fraud checks that stop them from switching.

Taylor, from southeast London, was moving the money for his 75-year-old aunt, Elaine Davies. He has power of attorney over her bank account so that he can help to manage her finances.

With savings rates rising, Taylor was keen to find a better account for his aunt. He selected newbie bank Zopa, which paid 1.8 per cent interest — a significant improvement on the HSBC