Garda whistleblower calls for mayor inquiry

John Wilson, former garda, said that an inquiry would be in the public interest
John Wilson, former garda, said that an inquiry would be in the public interest

A garda whistleblower has called for an independent review into an alleged drink-driving incident involving the metropolitan mayor of Limerick city last December.

John Wilson, one of two gardai who exposed irregularities in the gardai’s use of driving penalty points in 2012, said that only an independent examination of the case could establish why Jerry O’Dea, a Fianna Fail councillor, was not prosecuted in relation to the crash.

Mr O’Dea has been at the centre of a political controversy after it emerged that he contacted gardai in Limerick in June, before his election as mayor, to establish the status of the garda investigation into the incident.

The councillor originally denied that he had contacted gardai about the case, but later admitted that he had. He