
Got a kettle and a dog? Have a ticket to Britain

The points-based immigration system should weed out anyone who can’t say ‘all right, mate’ to sound less middle class

The Times

This week the government laid out the new post-Brexit, points-based immigration policy in more detail. To be eligible to live and work in the UK an applicant must score 70 points, and will be awarded 20 points should they have a job offer and an appropriate skill level, ten points for fluency in English and ten points for a salary exceeding £23,000 a year, which adds up to 40 points. So where might the other 30 come from?

Perhaps points should be given for showing you’d have no difficulty fitting in with British society? Which, at the moment, sometimes wears masks, sometimes doesn’t, and sometimes wears them hanging under the chin because . . . that’s the best of both worlds? But back to the