
Grain restaurant review: ‘The Marmite pizza made me giggle, then nod’

The Times

We’re back in Wales this week for some rather more prosaic but no less delicious eating than a couple of months ago at Ynyshir, the soi-disant “Best Restaurant in Britain”, where I spaffed many hundreds of pounds on multiple small plates of teeny-weeny morsels at a time when, let’s face it, even the people who used to be able to afford such frivols are becoming less and less able (or willing) to do so.

So how about I offer you four meals for four that will come, altogether, to no more than I paid, for just me, on that one night? Sound like a deal? Done.

We’ll be 85-odd miles southwest of Ynyshir for this, in and around St Davids (or St David’s, they’re not