He’s out but we must not let the pressure drop

The artist Cordelia Parker, The Times Comissioning Editor Nancy Durrant, Anish Kapoor and Alex O’Connell, The Times Arts Editor about to deliver a petition to No 10 calling for Ai Weiwei's release
The artist Cordelia Parker, The Times Comissioning Editor Nancy Durrant, Anish Kapoor and Alex O’Connell, The Times Arts Editor about to deliver a petition to No 10 calling for Ai Weiwei's release

I am thrilled that Ai Weiwei has been released. However, I have to say that I doubt that his release on bail is due to anything other than public pressure.

We must keep campaigning to ensure his freedom. What governments do behind the scenes “quietly and diplomatically” is tantamount to doing nothing. Tough talk in private is useless unless it is accompanied by tough talk in public. We have to carry on making a noise. We must be strident: I call on every artist not to show in China.

We have to explain that in this day and age these sorts of intimidatory strategies are unacceptable.

For all we know Ai has been coerced into confessing. I don’t believe he evaded tax, and I don’t