‘I kissed him goodbye, an hour and a half later he was gone’

Marc-André Grafton with a picture of his son Marcenley, who was buried in a mass grave
Marc-André Grafton with a picture of his son Marcenley, who was buried in a mass grave

Marc-André Grafton had just picked up his eight-year-old son from school, dropped him at home and returned to work when an earthquake shattered Haiti at 4.53pm on January 12 last year. Today, precisely one year later, he will reflect on the little life he lost that day.

As millions of Haitians join in a national day of mourning, culminating in one minute’s silence at the same time as the disaster struck, the 38-year-old father will offer up a prayer for Marcenley, the son he kissed goodbye just an hour and a half before he was killed. And somewhere, a mother will offer up thanks for the lives of the two children Mr Grafton helped to save.

“There are so many stories, everyone in this city