I’m not eating that!

You told us your tales of exotic delicacies eaten on the road... Not only are you all very well travelled, you’re extremely well fed, too

Two weeks ago, we ran an article on the world's more exotic delicacies, from poisonous puffer fish to puffin, via the odd hairy-legged tarantula (something of a treat in Cambodia), then recklessly invited your missives from the front line of food. Guess what? It turns out you'll eat pretty much anything, so long as it's served with a nice glass of wine. How terribly civilised.

Here are the best of the bunch, starting with Erin Young, who wins a £200 hamper of gourmet grub(s), including chocolate-covered ants and cricket crisps, supplied by Edible (020 7736 6048, www.edible.com).

I've eaten freshly caught native eel, gutted and smoked by hand in New Zealand (a childhood favourite of mine). Then there were kangaroo kebabs (chewy), ostrich,