Independent TDs back abortion referendum

Enda Kenny has promised a citizens’ forum on the Eighth Amendment
Enda Kenny has promised a citizens’ forum on the Eighth Amendment

Most independent TDs, including some opposed to abortion, would support a government that planned to hold a referendum on repealing the Eighth Amendment.

At least eight of the 15 non-party TDs who have been involved in government talks would not object to a citizens’ forum to examine strict abortion laws being part of a programme for government.

Michael Healy-Rae, the independent TD for Kerry, said he is anti-abortion but thinks that the public should be allowed to decide for themselves. He said that he would not campaign against repealing the Eighth Amendment and any plan to put the question to the public would not influence his decision on whether or not to support Enda Kenny as taoiseach.

Mr Kenny has promised TDs that a citizens’