It dawned on me I could earn lorry loads as an early riser

How I made it: Mark Tracey, co-founder of Ace Express
Tracey says Ace Express will be quick to adapt to Brexit
Tracey says Ace Express will be quick to adapt to Brexit

Mark Tracey knows the secret of success: getting up earlier. It’s something he and his brothers have been doing since they were children. Tracey is one of nine siblings, raised by their mother. “She did a great job,” he says.

When Tracey and his brothers were school age, they would get up at 6am at weekends and during their holidays to earn money by loading up vegetable trucks serving north Co Dublin. He traces the success of Ace Express to that habit.

The company was set up in 1989 by his brother Philip and his wife, Julie. At the time Philip was saving to buy a house, but he eventually used that money to start Ace Express. He launched the business from a shared desk