It’s the RCA Secret: a masterpiece for 40 quid

The Royal College of Art is offering 2,700 postcard-sized artworks for £40 each. Here we give a sneak preview

The art world isn’t known for its bargains. Even in a year when recession has dominated headlines, auction houses everywhere have been raking in the cash. This week at Christie’s Peter Doig’s Reflection (What Does Your Soul Look Like), sold for $10.2 million (almost £6 million). It’s not what you’d call affordable.

But there is one way of getting your hands on a piece by one of the biggest names in art, without robbing a bank. RCA Secret is an annual fundraising exhibition in aid of the Royal College of Art; this year it has 2,700 postcard-sized works donated by 1,016 artists and designers. Donors range from established artists such as Yoko Ono, Gerhard Richter, Bill Viola, David Bailey and designers Paul Smith and