I’ve got no kids but two cats. Does that make me selfish?

Pope Francis thinks so — but I beg to differ, says Alice-Azania Jarvis
The Pope told child-averse animal lovers they were denying themselves the “richness” of parenthood<cpi:div>
The Pope told child-averse animal lovers they were denying themselves the “richness” of parenthood<cpi:div>


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Looking back, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when we made the transition: when my husband and I went from being your regular, footloose, childless couple to full-time cat crazies.

Was it Christmas 2020, when he gave me a card, in left-hand scrawl for authenticity, “from” Trippie and Meko, the domestic shorthairs we’d adopted in lockdown 2? Or was it a few weeks later, when we installed a “cat cam” in the living room so we could check in on them as we went about our daily walks? Or maybe it was more recently, when we started looking for a bigger home because our flat was getting “too small for the four of us (and all the toys)”?

Whatever, Pope Francis would not approve.

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