Jackson dead ‘before being taken to hospital for hour of resuscitation’

Jackson’s sister, LaToya, and parents Joe and Katherine arrive at court yesterday
Jackson’s sister, LaToya, and parents Joe and Katherine arrive at court yesterday

Michael Jackson was already dead when an ambulance took him to a Beverly Hills hospital where futile efforts to resuscitate him went on for more than an hour, a Los Angeles court has heard. The doctor who supervised the singer’s treatment in the Los Angeles hospital’s emergency suite said efforts to revive the singer were prolonged at the request of Conrad Murray, his personal physician.

Dr Richelle Cooper testified that Dr Murray asked for the time of death to be delayed and would not disclose the drugs he had administered.

Dr Murray, who has been charged with involuntary manslaughter, was alleged to have made frantic phone calls in the minutes before and after his client’s death, although prosecutors say he delayed alerting the emergency services