Assault sentence delayed over full Oberstown detention centre

Oberstown youth detention centre did not have spaces available, Dublin children’s court was told
Oberstown youth detention centre did not have spaces available, Dublin children’s court was told

A teenager who took part in a gang attack on a college student had a 12-month sentence deferred because there was not enough space in a juvenile detention centre.

The 17-year-old boy pleaded guilty with two others to assaulting the student, who was left with a shoe imprint on his head after being kicked more than 20 times.

The youth was found to be at high risk of committing more crimes but the court was told there were not enough spaces in Oberstown detention centre. Sentence was deferred until October.

Garda Lisa Murray told Dublin children’s court that the teenager was one of the instigators of the attack at Malahide Castle last October.

The 20-year-old victim was pushed to the ground and kicked “full force”