Spanish government to oversee King Felipe’s spending

King Felipe has been trying to restore the crown’s reputation after the scandals surrounding his father, Juan Carlos
King Felipe has been trying to restore the crown’s reputation after the scandals surrounding his father, Juan Carlos

King Felipe of Spain is to have his spending monitored by the government as part of a reform of the royal household to re-establish public trust in an institution dogged by scandal.

The government will oversee the crown’s accounts through the Court of Auditors, which monitors all public bodies. Previously the royal household had voluntarily offered its assets for scrutiny each year but the government was unable to order it to open its books to investigate claims of wrongdoing.

Senior figures in the household will have to declare their personal assets each year to bring it into line with other public institutions, Félix Bolaños, minister of the presidency, said. Any contracting of services by the household would be made public from now on, he said.