Leeds named best place to live in the north and northeast of England 2024

Lead the way! Work hard and play hard in the best and buzziest city in the north

Discover vibrant artwork around Kirkgate Market, one of the largest indoor markets in Europe
Discover vibrant artwork around Kirkgate Market, one of the largest indoor markets in Europe
The Sunday Times

In Leeds you have the chance to be rich and enriched, to live a good life on a good salary, however old you are and wherever you are on the property ladder. It is home to the UK’s biggest financial and legal centre outside London, with blue-chip firms such as Deloitte, KPMG, Capita and HSBC here, as well as Sky and Channel 4. Establishing itself firmly as a northern powerhouse, it has the best-paying jobs in the provinces, ahead of Bristol, Cambridge and Manchester, and is the only city outside London to have its own theatres, ballet and opera house. It also has five universities that attract more than 60,000 students. Their youthful energy helps to fuel a buzzing social and cultural scene that includes