Let Kindle fire up your inner author

Amazon is rewriting the rules of publishing by giving budding novelists the chance to sell their work online — with a big cut of the profits

Anyone can upload their book to the Amazon site and get 70% of profits  (Masterfile)
Anyone can upload their book to the Amazon site and get 70% of profits (Masterfile)

He may have sold more than 250m books worldwide, but John Grisham is a confirmed reject. His first courtroom thriller was returned from a dozen publishing houses and turned down by countless agents in America before it was finally picked up by a small publisher in 1989. It took the former criminal lawyer more than two years even to find someone willing to take a chance on his work.

Grisham wouldn’t have had that problem today. This month, the online retailer Amazon launched a new service in Britain that allows budding writers to upload their finished manuscript to its Kindle Store, where owners of Kindle ebook readers can buy and download them. Not only will new works be sold alongside books by established authors (there