
Limerick’s machine could not keep up this relentless pace

There is no need to panic after the defeat to Clare — the players need to unwind before they go again

The Sunday Times

At Limerick training sessions in the Gaelic Grounds, John Kiely and Caroline Currid developed a ritual a few years back of chatting and walking. As the players loosened up and pucked around, Kiely and Currid strolled around the perimeter of the pitch, processing whatever needed to be said, done or acted upon. Together, they mentally scribbled, erased and wrote at the same time on the page in front of them.

The chats incorporated multiple laps because Currid has always been a reliable sounding board and advisor to Kiely. The manager consistently took his messaging cues from the guidance of Limerick’s renowned performance coach. After losing to Clare last weekend, Kiely’s post-match comments carried loud echoes of Currid’s voice.

There was no need for panic, no