London transport what a rip off

Judy Gunthorpe pays the same for a single London journey as a full day’s travel in Brussels

On a recent three-day whizz around Brussels we were able to buy, for £2.70, a one-day travel pass for use on buses, trams and trains. In London, we paid more than that to travel two stops from Waterloo to Victoria. When I challenged Ken Livingstone in a letter, I received a long reply, part of which said, “The lower fares for public transport services abroad are due to higher subsidies from local and/or central government.” I wonder if any of these exorbitant charges will offset the cost of the Olympics. Judy Gunthorpe, Bristol

Chlo? Byran-Brown of Times Travel’s Your Say responds: We agree that London Underground prices are higher than many metro and transport systems in Europe, but are you aware that with an Oyster