Man charged with 1977 IRA murder of British Army officer Robert Nairac

A man was charged last night with the murder, more than 30 years ago, of Captain Robert Nairac, the undercover Army officer whose body has never been found in one of the most infamous killings of the Troubles.

Kevin Crilly, 59, from Jonesborough, south Armagh, is already facing charges of kidnapping and falsely imprisoning the Grenadier Guardsman, who was 29, near the Irish border in 1977.

Captain Nairac, who was from Gloucestershire, was interrogated, tortured and then shot dead by the Provisional IRA after being taken by force from a pub car park near Jonesborough.

He was driven to a field in Ravensdale, County Louth, just south of the border. After being murdered it was rumoured that his body was dismembered and fed to pigs.