Martin attacks Sinn Féin for rejecting DUP Stormont offer

Gerry Adams defended Michelle O’Neill and said the deal offered “nothing new”
Gerry Adams defended Michelle O’Neill and said the deal offered “nothing new”

Micheál Martin has criticised Sinn Féin over its rejection of a DUP proposal to break the deadlock in Stormont.

The Fianna Fáil leader said it was “unacceptable” that Sinn Féin had spurned a proposal by Arlene Foster, the DUP leader, to aim for a compromise on language and cultural issues that would allow powersharing to be restored. “Her statement warranted engagement not immediate rejection,” Mr Martin said.

While Fianna Fáil supports Sinn Féin’s demand for an Irish language act, Mr Martin said that he did not believe it should be used as a political pawn while the absence of a functioning Stormont executive was having an adverse effect on the people of Northern Ireland. “The consequences of a stagnant Stormont are too serious for knee-jerk