May appeals to Labour: Don’t gamble with Trident

Theresa May has decided to press ahead with the Trident vote to underline her commitment to “get on with the job”
Theresa May has decided to press ahead with the Trident vote to underline her commitment to “get on with the job”

Theresa May will appeal to MPs today not to take the “reckless gamble” of voting against Trident’s replacement as she makes her Commons debut as prime minister.

Her call for support is aimed at Labour MPs deeply split over the issue of the £31 billion renewal of Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent.

Jeremy Corbyn, who will respond to Mrs May at the dispatch box, opposes Labour’s formal policy favouring Trident’s renewal and has been forced to concede a free vote among his MPs. He confirmed yesterday that he would vote against renewal.

In what amounts to an appeal to Labour MPs to back the government, Mrs May will tell them that they “cannot outsource the grave responsibility we shoulder for keeping our people safe”.

She will