Me? I’m just the quiet accountant type

WHEN Ed McKeever took gold in the 200m kayak single sprint yesterday, he celebrated by punching the air and splashing the water beside his boat.

For someone once described as the “Usain Bolt of the canoe world”, it was all very low-key although, in his own quiet way, McKeever was delighted. This he demonstrated by doing a thumbs-up to the crowd.

The 28-year-old from Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, said he felt “just relief”. He added: “It sounds strange. Not elation, more relief and so happy I could do it in front of the home crowd — it’s brilliant.” He admitted to having woken at 5am “like a kid at Christmas wanting to open my presents”.

The comparison with Bolt was always ludicrous, apart from the fact that