Memorial Service

Mr John Young

A service of thanksgiving for the life of Mr John Allen Young was held yesterday in Southwark Cathedral.

The Very Rev Colin Slee, Dean of Southwark, officiated and the Bishop of Southwark preached the sermon and pronounced the blessing.

Mr Torquil Sligo-Young, nephew, and Miss Alice Young, niece, read the lessons. Mr Thomas Young, brother, read High Flight by Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee.

Mr Ian Wilcockson paid tribute.

The Mayor of Wandsworth and Mrs Maddan attended. Among others present were: Mr James Young (son), Mrs Helena Young and Mrs Winifred Young (sisters-in-law), Mrs Torquil Sligo-Young, Mr and Mrs Jasper Sligo-Young, Mr and Mrs Justin Campbell-Reagan, Mr and Mrs Fergus Sligo-Young, Mr and Mrs Rupert Young, Mr and Mrs Christopher Turner, Mr