Miliband retreats on immigration strategy

Ed Milibands wants to criminalise employers who exploit migrant workers
Ed Milibands wants to criminalise employers who exploit migrant workers

Ed Miliband had to row back yesterday on a leaked internal party document that ordered Labour MPs to avoid discussing immigration with voters.

The Labour leader dismissed the advice in the campaign strategy guide and criticised it as “not very well drafted”. The emergence of the document threatened to overshadow a keynote speech on immigration by Mr Miliband in Great Yarmouth yesterday.

While he outlined proposals to clamp down on cheap migrant workers, the document, Campaigning against Ukip, suggested a more timid approach. It ordered MPs to focus on “moving the conversation on” if voters on the campaign trail discussed the subject, and to shift the topic to the NHS or other areas in which Labour polls highly. It says immigration “does not translate