More rain points to wettest year on record

Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire was flooded for the second time in a week
Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire was flooded for the second time in a week

The rainy weather is forecast to become more severe for the rest of the week amid fears that 2012 is heading towards being the wettest year on record.

The Environment Agency had 409 flood warnings and alerts in place yesterday as the Met Office issued rain warnings for every remaining day this week.

The longer term prediction suggested that cloudy conditions and persistent rainfall on Sunday would linger through New Year’s Eve.

In Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire, Christmas shelter was found yesterday for 100 residents who were moved out of their homes when the town was flooded for the second time in a week.

Many of those rescued from rising flood waters by lifeboats were welcomed into the households of families and friends for turkey dinners.