Movers and cocktail shakers

As fashionistas prepare for London Fashion Week, we serve them up a drinks menu that pays tribute to style legends

To celebrate the British designer genius that is London Fashion Week, those Tom Cruise bartender types at Notting Hill’s bijou watering hole, The Lonsdale, have mixed up a couple of Size Zero catwalk cocktails inspired by the film Zoolander.

The Zoolander itself comprises No.3 London Dry Gin, elderflower cordial, lemon juice and soda, while the Owen Wilson-inspired Hansel is the Italian aperitif Aperol with Punt e Mes and No.3 London Dry Gin (must have been a job lot). We, however, shall celebrate LFW with our own drinks menu in honour of the real fashion greats:

Designer Meltdown aka The Galliano

Four shots of Galliano. A dash of bitters. Served on the rocks.

Lock up your Ugly Daughters aka The Lagerfeld

Pint of Bitburger, drunk