Mr Stop Brexit moves to Jacob Rees-Mogg’s street protest

Steve Bray estimates he has gatecrashed more than 100 television interviews
Steve Bray estimates he has gatecrashed more than 100 television interviews

A rare coin collector turned full-time protester who has become well known for standing outside parliament shouting, “Stop Brexit!” has moved into a £6m house opposite Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Steve Bray has demonstrated every day parliament has been sitting since September 2017. During that time he has repeatedly gatecrashed live broadcasts near the Palace of Westminster brandishing pro-remain placards, ensuring they get into shot.

At one point the BBC built a 15ft platform on College Green to conduct interviews away from protesters. Bray responded by constructing a 15ft pole.

Now he has decided to set up home opposite one of the standard-bearers for leaving the EU. In order to rent the property opposite Rees-Mogg’s family residence in Westminster’s exclusive Cowley Street for the next two months,