Muslim MSP adds voice to criticism of hate crime bill

Humza Yousaf, the justice minister, promised to seek common ground with the bill’s critics
Humza Yousaf, the justice minister, promised to seek common ground with the bill’s critics

A controversial hate crime bill is at risk of “undermining its very purpose”, according to the chairman of a Holyrood group aiming to tackle Islamophobia.

Anas Sarwar, the Labour MSP, said that the level of criticism about the proposed law was undermining attempts to bring communities together to tackle bigotry.

Opponents say that a part of the bill that would make it an offence to “stir up” hatred could lead to criminal proceedings over comments deemed unintentionally offensive.

Mr Sarwar said that he and Humza Yousaf, the justice secretary, who is steering the bill through parliament, were subject to racist prejudice and hatred every day and that both wanted to eradicate bigotry from Scotland.

“But the way that aspects of the bill are currently drafted