
My money is still on May. The PM will take us out, on her terms, on March 29

The Sunday Times

Christmas is in the recycling bin so I can only paraphrase Michael Brunson’s scribbled message in our annual exchange of festive greetings. “I admire your perseverance in the ST on Mrs May’s deal,” the former political editor of ITN wrote. “I disagree.”

This characteristically trenchant put-down from the sage of north Norfolk is not the only reason why I’ve had faint-hearted moments of late about the prime minister’s chances of gettinga deal in place by her chosen deadline of March 29. Few would have predicted the huge 230 majority against her plan or that she would have to fight two votes of confidence — in her leadership of her party and in her government — and win both comfortably.

Yet Theresa May and her deal