Mystery of the £33m Picassos that disappeared clean into the night

Thieves removed two Picasso paintings valued at €50 million (£33.7million) from a flat in one of the most heavily guarded districts of Paris as the owner, a granddaughter of the artist, slept. There was no trace of forced entry.

Police said last night that they were working on a number of theories about the theft of a celebrated 1931 portrait of Picasso’s daughter, Maya with Doll, and a 1961 portrait of his second wife, Jacqueline. They were taken, with a drawing, at about 4am from the flat of Diana Widmaier-Picasso.

Ms Widmaier-Picasso, 34, and a male companion were woken by noises in the small hours but went back to sleep in the first-floor flat of a mansion on the Rue de Grenelle in the 7th